VeraCruza: Niramyth
VeraCruza: Fotoscope - The Tree Annan Adored Dusty
VeraCruza: Le repos de la chamane
VeraCruza: Netherwood Enchanted
VeraCruza: Everwinter - Post Apocalyptic Theme Park
VeraCruza: Frisland Laluna Island - La cour
VeraCruza: So Lazy Today
VeraCruza: The Look
VeraCruza: Purple Tears (Tribute for Prince)
VeraCruza: Sunday Afternoon
VeraCruza: Give It to me
VeraCruza: The simplicity is the ultimate sophistication (Leonard de Vinci)
VeraCruza: The Hell's haven - Romantic Hideaway, La Crique
VeraCruza: Hidden in the grass
VeraCruza: Mont St Michel - Edelweiss - May 2016
VeraCruza: You're The Inspiration
VeraCruza: Dangerous Woman ( Let me feel like a.... )
VeraCruza: Feel your breath
VeraCruza: Les délices du Pont Mirabeau
VeraCruza: Bubble Girl
VeraCruza: Ooops !
VeraCruza: He's saying "That does not shine enough !"
VeraCruza: Le Pont Mirabeau
VeraCruza: Jubilee Amatorum
VeraCruza: Chase the wild dreams
VeraCruza: His coat
VeraCruza: Envie de tout quitter
VeraCruza: Disturbed
VeraCruza: Do not take revenge. Be happy. It's better.
VeraCruza: “Prendre quelqu’un en photo, c’est un peu comme le rencontrer dans un train.”[Martine Franck]