.snow: IMG_0472
.snow: Utensil @ Ray's
.snow: Table setting
.snow: Home made sparking water
.snow: The restaurant
.snow: Bread & butter
.snow: The restaurant
.snow: Benedict Burger
.snow: The restaurant
.snow: Bread crumbs
.snow: A typical s. Cal noon
.snow: Thomcord Grapes salad
.snow: Utensils
.snow: Local Squid
.snow: Local Squid
.snow: Closer look of Benedict Burger
.snow: IMG_0496
.snow: Little drawer
.snow: Coffee mates
.snow: EVA SOLO
.snow: PEACH!
.snow: PEACH!
.snow: COFFEE
.snow: Edge show of PEACH
.snow: Dragon 龍
.snow: Chicken 十二生肖(雞)
.snow: LACMA
.snow: LACMA
.snow: LACMA