Venture Vancouver: * Sir William *
Venture Vancouver: Nice horsey
Venture Vancouver: bubbles and fairies
Venture Vancouver: Why am I here says the Irish wolfhound
Venture Vancouver: Renaissance Video cam
Venture Vancouver: A fairy and a gypsy
Venture Vancouver: lady on a horse
Venture Vancouver: Radar in full Armour
Venture Vancouver: Practice for the novice
Venture Vancouver: cheering
Venture Vancouver: Four turns of the quintain
Venture Vancouver: King and Queen
Venture Vancouver: Prior and the Pirates
Venture Vancouver: Shot by a Canon
Venture Vancouver: Drummer boy
Venture Vancouver: Big Irish Wolfhound Dog
Venture Vancouver: ATMs were available during the renaissance
Venture Vancouver: Jordan Heron the best jouster
Venture Vancouver: Radar and Leslie head to head
Venture Vancouver: Will and Jordan head to head
Venture Vancouver: Lets all make funny faces as we sing
Venture Vancouver: The Ravenrook Consort
Venture Vancouver: Ravenrook consort singing beautifuly