koen_jacobs: life after the lockdown
Massimo Tiga Pellicciardi: Alzavola femmina
Marco Pantanella - www.Paesaggimontani.com: Pizzo Intermesoli e Monte Corvo
Luca Menozzi: Stone curlew
koen_jacobs: Going down...
Gianpaolo Bottin: Via Lattea - Moncenisio
Massimo Tiga Pellicciardi: Accoppiamento cavalieri d'Italia
koen_jacobs: What do you do when there is no light at the end of the tunnel?
koen_jacobs: judge
koen_jacobs: the waiting game
Massimo Tiga Pellicciardi: Sfida di sguardi - Flamingos
koen_jacobs: Corona walks 20/...
koen_jacobs: Reflections of the way life used to be
niggyl :): Current
JH_1982: Light Rays, Westminster Cathedral, London, UK
JH_1982: Skyline seen from the Waterfront Promenade at Night, Singapore
JH_1982: Skyline seen from Breakwater Beach at Night, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Massimo Tiga Pellicciardi: Volpoca femmina
Massimo Tiga Pellicciardi: Piro piro boschereccio
koen_jacobs: Corona walks 2/...
koen_jacobs: hopeless
Fabio Gardosi: Cormorano - Cormorant
78thebest: Cinciarella
koen_jacobs: Nieuwpoort