The Bubbo: Puzzle Ball parts
The Bubbo: Puzzle Ball parts
The Bubbo: Maddie and the Icelandic lopi
The Bubbo: Maddie and the Icelandic lopi
The Bubbo: Spices
The Bubbo: Grinder
The Bubbo: Toasting fennel seed with ground pork loin in the background
The Bubbo: Ground round bottom
The Bubbo: Ground pork loin
The Bubbo: viiviblocks
The Bubbo: DSCF2835
The Bubbo: DSCF2799
The Bubbo: DSCF2798
The Bubbo: DSCF2795
The Bubbo: Chester and the moon boots!
The Bubbo: Chester and the moon boots!
The Bubbo: Maddie and the moon boots
The Bubbo: Maddie and the moon boots
The Bubbo: Fromage blanc
The Bubbo: the bottom 3 squares are worked as one piece
The Bubbo: The foundation single crochet
The Bubbo: FSC close up
The Bubbo: worked up
The Bubbo: bottom
The Bubbo: Chester
The Bubbo: Chester
The Bubbo: Chester
The Bubbo: Chester
The Bubbo: Chester