velqur: It's quiet company
velqur: lost like a keyed storm
velqur: I swirled the sands
velqur: in my dried hands
velqur: measure by teacups
velqur: Got something
velqur: store the sames
velqur: Turn the light out
velqur: inside my way
velqur: charity free
velqur: not even a converstaion
velqur: from sky to sky
velqur: One yard measure
velqur: logical aspirations
velqur: holding on too long
velqur: reseeded beds
velqur: in unembraced freedom
velqur: find out where
velqur: the deadening effect
velqur: your delicious edges
velqur: words emptied
velqur: traced the maps
velqur: stepped in grandeur
velqur: and I can't fall asleep
velqur: Everyday on faith
velqur: forget the cornered seats
velqur: met in a restaurant
velqur: without a little help
velqur: against the tides
velqur: spaces on the other side