livewombat: Lantana cuttings
livewombat: Three ways to start milkweed seeds
livewombat: Germinating milkweed seeds in water
livewombat: Tropical milkweed seeds in water
livewombat: Small sweet potatoes from the 2016 harvest, sprouting
livewombat: Thalictrum rochebrunianum seeds chilling
livewombat: Tithonia seeds in mini-greenhouse
livewombat: Rooting lantana cuttings
livewombat: A dozen Tithonia for the butterflies and hummingbirds
livewombat: Lantana cuttings waiting for warmer weather
livewombat: Thalictrum rochebrunianum seedlings waiting for warmer weather
livewombat: Seedlings by the window
livewombat: Bachelor's Button emerging at seven days
livewombat: Radishes emerging at seven days
livewombat: Asclepias syriaca for the monarch butterflies