livewombat: April 11th in Minneapolis
livewombat: Tulip border
livewombat: Just in case any hummingbirds show up
livewombat: Scilla siberica
livewombat: Lake Harriet
livewombat: Lake Harriet on April 11th
livewombat: Morning ride on April 11th
livewombat: Lantana cuttings waiting for warmer weather
livewombat: Raspberry Hot-Pepper Jam for a chilly morning
livewombat: Thalictrum rochebrunianum seedlings waiting for warmer weather
livewombat: Seedlings by the window
livewombat: Breakfast indoors today
livewombat: Waiting for the monarch butterflies to return
livewombat: April 11th in Minneapolis
livewombat: Cherry tree in the snow
livewombat: Crocuses in the snow
livewombat: Bee Balm seedhead
livewombat: Gooseberry bush
livewombat: Ranunculus in the snow
livewombat: No picnic in the garden this morning