livewombat: Red Admiral butterfly on pussy willow
livewombat: Question Mark butterfly on a feeder
livewombat: Question Mark butterfly on a feeder
livewombat: Question Mark butterfly with both field marks showing
livewombat: Question Mark butterfly 3 dots and a dash on top, and ? below
livewombat: Comma butterfly female June 2018
livewombat: Comma butterfly with comma mark below and 3 dots above
livewombat: Comma butterfly laying eggs on stinging nettle
livewombat: Comma (L) and Question Mark (R)
livewombat: Comma butterfly laying an egg on stinging nettle
livewombat: Comma butterfly laying an egg on stinging nettle
livewombat: Monarch caterpillar at one day old
livewombat: Mourning Cloak -- Trauermantel -- koningsmantel
livewombat: Monarch butterfly eggs on Asclepias curassavica flower buds
livewombat: Red Admiral -- Admiral Falter -- atalanta vlinder
livewombat: Comma and Red Admiral butterfly on oranges
livewombat: Comma / C-Falter / gehakkelde aurelia
livewombat: Two Commas on an orange
livewombat: Red Admiral butterfly / Admiral Falter / atalanta vlinder
livewombat: Hackberry Emperor butterfly
livewombat: Monarch butterflies mating
livewombat: Monarch butterflies mating
livewombat: Tattered Red Admiral on common milkweed in Minneapolis
livewombat: Hackberry Emperor butterfly and orange
livewombat: 3 males, 3 females August 6th. I'm starting to have trouble keeping track of the total count.
livewombat: Found on fennel outdoors Sept 10th
livewombat: Finally, a 2018 painted lady