Lalallallala: buddha mind
Lalallallala: Lohi & Negaatio
Lalallallala: Gift from far away
Lalallallala: The aesthetics of oatbran porridge and frozen cranberries
Lalallallala: Preventing the burn of bed cover, he used the cat as the base for the tea cup
Lalallallala: Iris reticulata detail
Lalallallala: Perma-eggs for Palm sunday too
Lalallallala: Irises & easter eggs
Lalallallala: Nelikulmainen Negaatio
Lalallallala: Found objects
Lalallallala: Being sick inside, when there's spring outside.
Lalallallala: Loaning furriness from cats
Lalallallala: Old thoughts
Lalallallala: My lovely companion now when I'm sick
Lalallallala: Flying decoupage mosaic (not ready yet) on a glass bottle
Lalallallala: Sun & sunny
Lalallallala: Happy zzzzzzing
Lalallallala: Oatgrass poodle
Lalallallala: Cat oatgrass
Lalallallala: May I have some? asked the dog
Lalallallala: Nasu is not interested in oatgrass but likes to be near Lohi
Lalallallala: Yes yes it is lovely here
Lalallallala: The king of oatgrass
Lalallallala: Dog charmer ready to perform
Lalallallala: Our new family member
Lalallallala: Oddity
Lalallallala: Night light
Lalallallala: All these dogs. Here.
Lalallallala: Gym ball dog circus :D
Lalallallala: Hello brother Moon!