Velma's World: Ace in the Hole Romney
Velma's World: Ace in the Hole Romney Lamb
Velma's World: Ace in the Hole Ranch Romney sheep
Velma's World: Romneys at Ace in the Hole Ranch
Velma's World: Nice profile!
Velma's World: Munching dociley
Velma's World: Picture Perfect Romney!
Velma's World: I WILL NOT look at you!
Velma's World: Oops, cut off his butt.
Velma's World: Does it GET any cuter than this?
Velma's World: Ace Vandenack, Proprietor, Ace in the Hole Ranch
Velma's World: Another Sheepy Shot
Velma's World: Pastoral Loveliness in Myer's Flat