waffle batter: ballerina who loves b-boyz pozter
waffle batter: dude in the funny hat was awesome
waffle batter: announcer in shiny clothes, announcing things.
waffle batter: hoochiemamadance
waffle batter: they're standing with their legs apart.
waffle batter: you can't tell, but that blur on the left is a dude kicking ass.
waffle batter: movement...
waffle batter: sploosh.
waffle batter: that blur in the middle was awesome.
waffle batter: ballerina blurs.
waffle batter: me testing the night-flash on my camera.
waffle batter: judy and victor...
waffle batter: inspiration for italian tastes, indeed!
waffle batter: random european styled restaurant in seoul.
waffle batter: walking around searching for the b-boyz venue.
waffle batter: random european styled building...
waffle batter: korean men know that it takes a real man to wear pink.
waffle batter: that man is carrying a very large box.
waffle batter: these police officers had those crazy wacking sticks and shields...
waffle batter: people protesting the lack of handicap accessibility in seoul.
waffle batter: again. korean men understand the beauty of pink.
waffle batter: $5 shoes, yo.
waffle batter: that guy took a picture of us.
waffle batter: i like people watching.
waffle batter: shoppity shop.
waffle batter: this street vendor is keeping the yellow crate industry in business.
waffle batter: police! halt!
waffle batter: french people kept walking down that alley.