waffle batter: pink is in, people
waffle batter: windy's feisty face.
waffle batter: sarah: blues sister
waffle batter: sarah: blues sister
waffle batter: doesn't windy's nose/ear chain shine?
waffle batter: i don't know this girl. but she was fucking adorable.
waffle batter: these two were the highlight of the evening, i swear to god.
waffle batter: humping the floor is great for the upper thighs.
waffle batter: blonde unt crimped
waffle batter: i'm not sure what's happening. maybe sarah was being too forward for steph's taste. maybe they're shaking it. quandry.
waffle batter: andy knows how to get down, man.
waffle batter: this girls dress was incredible.
waffle batter: humping on das random matress
waffle batter: lisa elbows justin in the nose... and justin seems to enjoy that.
waffle batter: lisa is gorgeous.
waffle batter: liz. also gorgeous.
waffle batter: steph pulls out the innocent vixen look.
waffle batter: that's my jerri blank face for you. and the dazzling windy.
waffle batter: shakin'
waffle batter: lilia and... ah! i forget her name. but she's incredible.
waffle batter: meow, lilia. meow.
waffle batter: oh windy. how you taunt us all.
waffle batter: yeah. i was hyper. what can i say.
waffle batter: kevin, windy, and myself. don't deny the sexy.
waffle batter: mysterious
waffle batter: and presenting: sarah