waffle batter:
ahmed and andrea lookin' all cute
waffle batter:
miss happy hornica, aka jayita, aka i love this girl
waffle batter:
waffle batter:
people eating
waffle batter:
jojo and dave lounge
waffle batter:
more people eating and andrea putting on a jacket
waffle batter:
waffle batter:
dave and jojo discuss
waffle batter:
helen is cute
waffle batter:
helen is shocked by her own soup
waffle batter:
dave is tired
waffle batter:
deb the jest-elf and me
waffle batter:
sarah and me
waffle batter:
buddha's feelin' left out, no?
waffle batter:
jayita and jojo (who hates being called hoho [and doesn't seem keen on yoyo either])
waffle batter:
ahmed being tall
waffle batter:
sarah is the vanna white of cushions
waffle batter:
miss happy hornica, andrea, and the jest-elft
waffle batter:
jojo has the biggest smile on the face of the earth
waffle batter:
sarah and the jest-elf