veggy: china flight
veggy: hazy Ghanzou, China
veggy: air break
veggy: arrived Thamel
veggy: Kathmandu - historic building style
veggy: Kathmandu - blessing
veggy: Kathmandu - tooth god
veggy: Kathmandu strings
veggy: Thamel roof view
veggy: Nepal love
veggy: Kathmandu - blessing
veggy: Kathmandu strings
veggy: view of the monkey temple from Helena's cafe
veggy: Kathmandu - monkey blessings
veggy: Kathmandu - monkey
veggy: Kathmandu - secret door
veggy: Kathmandu - spin me!
veggy: Kathmandu - melted blessing
veggy: Kathmandu - facade
veggy: Kathmandu - hindu temple
veggy: Kathmandu - pigeons on buddha
veggy: Kathmandu - claypot or a haircut_
veggy: Kathmandu - just hanging
veggy: Kathmandu - the priest making his circles
veggy: Kathmandu - Durbar architecture
veggy: Kathmandu - working hard
veggy: Kathmandu - holiday madness
veggy: Kathmandu - holiday shopping madness
veggy: Kathmandu - paint
veggy: Kathmandu - pink