veggy: lee's donuts
veggy: BC grown carrots
veggy: Not to sure what these are
veggy: View from above
veggy: DSC_7558
veggy: asymmetric
veggy: Lunch
veggy: DSC_7521
veggy: leafy texture
veggy: reds
veggy: fresh
veggy: running - line
veggy: Ginger
veggy: DSC_7507
veggy: shape
veggy: Pink Lady
veggy: Pears
veggy: Love these smiles / Framing
veggy: DSC_7492
veggy: mon amour
veggy: DSC_7486
veggy: Fancy chocolate
veggy: DUSO'S .. my favorite pasta
veggy: Bagel heaven / Line
veggy: rule of thirds?
veggy: symmetrical?
veggy: plastic
veggy: Rows of
veggy: green yummy