Demuths Cookery School: Chillies at the market
Demuths Cookery School: Onions at the market
Demuths Cookery School: At the market
Demuths Cookery School: At the market
Demuths Cookery School: At the market
Demuths Cookery School: At the market
Demuths Cookery School: Swimming on the coast
Demuths Cookery School: Prepping for the students arrival
Demuths Cookery School: Prepping for the students arrival
Demuths Cookery School: Vegan cakes for the students arrival
Demuths Cookery School: Pumpkin & Pepper Salad
Demuths Cookery School: Pumpkin & Pepper Salad
Demuths Cookery School: Potatoes with Capers and Sea Fennel
Demuths Cookery School: Vegan Tomato & Basil Tart
Demuths Cookery School: Salads for lunch
Demuths Cookery School: Vegan Tomato & Basil Tart, Pumpkin & Pepper Salad
Demuths Cookery School: Enjoying lunch
Demuths Cookery School: Enjoying lunch
Demuths Cookery School: Enjoying lunch
Demuths Cookery School: Our host, Martino
Demuths Cookery School: Getting ready for dinner
Demuths Cookery School: Sitting down for dinner
Demuths Cookery School: Hand-rolling pasta
Demuths Cookery School: Hand-rolled orecchiette
Demuths Cookery School: Hand-rolling orecchiette
Demuths Cookery School: Hand-rolling orecchiette
Demuths Cookery School: Hand-rolling orecchiette