Demuths Cookery School: Summer Salad with Chive flowers
Demuths Cookery School: Ciabatta ready to proove
Demuths Cookery School: Debbie filling Flamiche
Demuths Cookery School: Leek Flamiche
Demuths Cookery School: Apricot Danish
Demuths Cookery School: Leek Flamiche
Demuths Cookery School: First Day of Advanced
Demuths Cookery School: Debbie and Cleo
Demuths Cookery School: Ciabatta prooving
Demuths Cookery School: Spinach gnocchi
Demuths Cookery School: Jill and Gillian
Demuths Cookery School: Barbora prepping Gnocchi plates
Demuths Cookery School: Kirsty prepping Gnocchi plates
Demuths Cookery School: Gnocchi with tomato sauce and shaved Old Winchester Cheese
Demuths Cookery School: Herbs from Castle Farm
Demuths Cookery School: Oyster Mushrooms
Demuths Cookery School: Oyster Mushrooms
Demuths Cookery School: Pansies from Castle Farm
Demuths Cookery School: Lydia prepping Vegetable Baozi
Demuths Cookery School: Vegetable Baozi ready to steam
Demuths Cookery School: Vegetable Baozi with Smacked Cucumber and Wood Ear Salad
Demuths Cookery School: Raspberry Curd Tart
Demuths Cookery School: Raspberry Curd Tart
Demuths Cookery School: Oyster Mushrooms
Demuths Cookery School: Organics Vegetable from Castle Farm
Demuths Cookery School: Prepping Vegetable Baozi
Demuths Cookery School: Vegetable Baozi
Demuths Cookery School: Raspberry Curd Tart