Demuths Cookery School: SeasonalCherries, Asparagus & Artichokes
Demuths Cookery School: Sweet melons & artichokes
Demuths Cookery School: Rachel Demuth & Jo Ingleby
Demuths Cookery School: Huong, Pattie, Ruth, Estelle, Jo, Anna & Gill
Demuths Cookery School: Kneading fougasse
Demuths Cookery School: Kneading fougasse
Demuths Cookery School: Kneading fougasse
Demuths Cookery School: Kneading fougasse
Demuths Cookery School: Kneading fougasse
Demuths Cookery School: Kneading fougasse
Demuths Cookery School: Stuffed Fougasse
Demuths Cookery School: Jo ready to cook
Demuths Cookery School: Ruth, estelle & Huong
Demuths Cookery School: Huong & Anna prepping
Demuths Cookery School: Gill prepping
Demuths Cookery School: Tarte aux Poireaux et Tapenade
Demuths Cookery School: Lunch on the terrace
Demuths Cookery School: Market produce with white asparagus
Demuths Cookery School: Pattie & Anna preparing baby artichokes
Demuths Cookery School: Huong & Gill preparing baby artichokes
Demuths Cookery School: Ruth & Estelle preparing baby artichokes
Demuths Cookery School: Jo demonstrating mayonaise
Demuths Cookery School: Estelle & pattie making Mayonaise
Demuths Cookery School: Gill & Huong making mayonaise
Demuths Cookery School: perfect mayonaise
Demuths Cookery School: mayonaise, Hollandaise & Blue Cheese Dip
Demuths Cookery School: Baked camenbert