SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: Men fight against exploitation!
SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: Men love celebrating with kids
SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: Men take care of their kids! Men play with their kids!!
SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: Men promote Art! Men propogate Religion
SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: Men love family reunions. Men love outings!!
SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: The first hero of every girl, is her Dad!
SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: The coziest place of every girl, is her Dad's arms!
SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: Men discover! Men Invent!!
SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: Men volunteer! Men donate!!
SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: Logo for google+ community
SEAs of FIREs, I have them in my EYEs!!!: After all, there is a MAN in every HU'MAN'!