Old School Imaging:
cerca de mi casa
Old School Imaging:
Old School Imaging:
Old School Imaging:
Colores, Colores y mas Colores Ricos
Old School Imaging:
Una Tiendita
Old School Imaging:
So Many Textured Surfaces
Old School Imaging:
Another Warm and Friendly Neighborhood
Old School Imaging:
Weathering Time
Old School Imaging:
Guanajuato and its treasure of vibrant colors
Old School Imaging:
Old School Imaging:
Un Callejon de Romance
Old School Imaging:
Early Morning Colors
Old School Imaging:
I am seeing RED
Old School Imaging:
Street scene
Old School Imaging:
Mi Guanajuato
Old School Imaging:
Old School Imaging:
Flavors of Guanajujato
Old School Imaging:
Callejon Rojo
Old School Imaging:
Old School Imaging:
One Gorgeous Sky
Old School Imaging:
Double Stairs
Old School Imaging:
Arches in Stone
Old School Imaging:
transparent, pink and so delicate
Old School Imaging:
Old School Imaging:
El Atrio
Old School Imaging:
early light
Old School Imaging:
Old School Imaging:
high up in the trees
Old School Imaging:
light playing its role
Old School Imaging:
new discovery