Vecchio Barbosa (SL) aka Felix Büchler (RL): ... and a guy roasting sweet chestnuts
Vecchio Barbosa (SL) aka Felix Büchler (RL): Hot wine and roasted sweet chestnuts
Vecchio Barbosa (SL) aka Felix Büchler (RL): "The Boss" - The father of the hostess
Vecchio Barbosa (SL) aka Felix Büchler (RL): The female part of the family had prepared a lot of good things ...
Vecchio Barbosa (SL) aka Felix Büchler (RL): A straw man has watsched over the grapes in summer !
Vecchio Barbosa (SL) aka Felix Büchler (RL): Marianne Falk, the hostess + Otto Jaus, the godfather + Sascha Englert, the host
Vecchio Barbosa (SL) aka Felix Büchler (RL): The wine gets its new name written on the bottle:
Vecchio Barbosa (SL) aka Felix Büchler (RL): The dinner after the ceremony ...