vealchart: carz
vealchart: super fruit salad
vealchart: best salad ever
vealchart: prep
vealchart: fruit salad - with whole apples
vealchart: turkey art on marshmallow
vealchart: made a cheesecake
vealchart: chansaw deep fried turkey
vealchart: turkey
vealchart: moms hand
vealchart: egg good
vealchart: playing piano LOUD
vealchart: charlie and wine with a half smile
vealchart: charlie and wine
vealchart: point at grape
vealchart: holding turkey - i think
vealchart: kitchen
vealchart: kids table
vealchart: eating
vealchart: eating
vealchart: dinner from where i sat
vealchart: eating butter only
vealchart: got my nails done
vealchart: hands again
vealchart: hands
vealchart: adam and heather
vealchart: rich and kristina
vealchart: i hate flash guy
vealchart: cousins