veader: flight to washington, DC
veader: flight to montego bay, jamaica
veader: landing at montego bay
veader: naval takes us to mount corbett
veader: price for a liter of gas
veader: "mad dog" can't stand to watch
veader: scotchies
veader: sunset on the first night
veader: trent and his huge camera
veader: back doors at night
veader: my monopoly empire
veader: travis, trying to figure out how to pay his debt
veader: lunch on the veranda
veader: the rainy view at lunch
veader: the front drive
veader: the front porch
veader: font porch
veader: side porch and lunch/breakfast table
veader: mirror detail
veader: travis, seriously trying to figure out how to restructure his debt
veader: the sharps (buck & stephanie)
veader: coke light
veader: lunch for two
veader: lunch with a view
veader: travis strikes a pose
veader: mr buck
veader: rhonda
veader: stephanie
veader: joel
veader: lauren