vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 11/17 Urban Wildlife - Duck at Bird Feeder
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 10/17 A feature of the weather- Windswept Tree
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 09/17 Transport - Cycling Home
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 08/17 New Spring Growth - Cherry Blossom
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 07/17 Handle with care - The morning after
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 06/17 Cracked - Wood
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 05/17 In a row - Glasses
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 04/17 It begins with the letter S - Succulent
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 03/17 Groups of Things - Fixings
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 02/17 Hands Full - Heart
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 01/17 Twisted - Spiral Bound Book
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 52/16 The End of a Journey
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 51/16 Christmas - Carol Singers
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 50/16 Object in an alien setting - Statue wearing a hat from a Christmas Cracker
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 49/16 Tell Someone's Story
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 48/16 We go together - Salt & Pepper
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 47/16 Hidden from View - Donkeys at Western Super Mare
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 46/16 Hot - Tap
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 45/16 Modern Architecture - Cambridge Roofs
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 43/16 Shapes in B&W - Dry Stone Wall
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 44/16 Selfie - taking a photograph
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 42/16 Trees - Autumn Colour
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 41/16 Red - berries
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 40/16 Shooting from low level - Dave
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 39/16 Time - Tempus Fugit
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 38/16 Something I Use Every Day
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 36/16 My Favourite Food
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 37/16 In the Corner - Water Lilly
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 35/16 In the garden - Great Tit
vdvlcom - Vicky Collins: 34/16 Something old or something new