vic.yvr: Kalesa . .
vic.yvr: Palm Stalks
vic.yvr: potted plants
vic.yvr: frosted and blushing . . Maple
vic.yvr: Sometimes I do get to places just when God is ready to have somebody click the shutter. ~Ansel Adams
vic.yvr: Wind Waves
vic.yvr: Garlic braids
vic.yvr: Dahlia . . a valley flower
vic.yvr: Happy Birthday Canada
vic.yvr: Petunia . . simply electrical
vic.yvr: at the Produce aisle
vic.yvr: cranberry pool
vic.yvr: in bloom
vic.yvr: at the market
vic.yvr: shoreline magic
vic.yvr: a man-made star
vic.yvr: Redwing Blackbird
vic.yvr: at the Sunken Gardens
vic.yvr: Spring colors . . . Happy Easter everyone !
vic.yvr: a field of Buttercups
vic.yvr: wild flowers
vic.yvr: Farmer's Market
vic.yvr: where the rubber meets the road . .
vic.yvr: another rainy day (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Daddy Longlegs
vic.yvr: architecture at the Buddhist temple
vic.yvr: Jelly fish