vic.yvr: Words are like the spider's web . . a shelter for the clever ones and a trap for the not-so-clever
vic.yvr: “Love is like a butterfly, it goes where it pleases . . and it pleases where it goes”
vic.yvr: a splash of golden sunlight
vic.yvr: Strong and Mighty
vic.yvr: a Golden Age legacy . .
vic.yvr: No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see . . Taoist proverb
vic.yvr: Richmond Maritime Festival - EXPLORE
vic.yvr: sweet and adorable - Snowy Owl
vic.yvr: Baywatch . . beach patrol (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Island Laundromat . .
vic.yvr: Shorebirds (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Caterpillars do all the work . . but Butterflies get all the publicity (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Today's special . . Seafood (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: more Snowies today . . (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: a Snowy Owl (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: our lives, just like a raindrop are always at the mercy of time . .
vic.yvr: another rainy day (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Barred Owl (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Common Yellowthroat (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Cormorant (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Richmond BC - Summer Night Market (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Killdeer (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: a tender Father and Son moment (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: a fancy Birdhouse (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: an early morning stretch (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Great Blue Heron . . a graceful landing (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Sunflower (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Killdeer (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Coopers Hawk (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Steveston BC (EXPLORE)