vic.yvr: Tallship Pirate
vic.yvr: one curious on-looker
vic.yvr: Acoustic
vic.yvr: Act as if what you do makes a difference . . because it does !
vic.yvr: DSC_0069-1
vic.yvr: Break time
vic.yvr: music from the 60s
vic.yvr: quiet time at the beach
vic.yvr: pirate invasion
vic.yvr: Strike out !
vic.yvr: the Pitch . .
vic.yvr: Golf . . Play for Pay
vic.yvr: the old Church
vic.yvr: a welcoming Christ
vic.yvr: spotting for wildlife . .
vic.yvr: Heads or Tails . . farm animals at the Fair
vic.yvr: a Golden Age legacy . .
vic.yvr: a ferry ride offers you 2 choices . . excitement or boredom
vic.yvr: end of the line . .
vic.yvr: " a house without books is like a room without windows" . . Horace Mann
vic.yvr: " time and tide waits for no man " Geoffrey Chaucer
vic.yvr: Canada Goose
vic.yvr: fancy artwork
vic.yvr: Numbered Birdhouse
vic.yvr: Burnaby Lake - best spot for birdwatching and photography
vic.yvr: Forecast: Freezing but with some sunny breaks
vic.yvr: “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” ~William Arthur Ward
vic.yvr: like watercolored sky (EXPLORE)
vic.yvr: Standing out from the crowd will open your eyes to new possibilities, and give you the secret to true happiness - unknown author
vic.yvr: Fishing boats (Sable Fish and Black Cod for sale)