Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: Commissioner Adams, Ashley Hardesty, Deputy Secretary Sam Towell
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: Dpty Secy Towell handing Hardesty her Governor's pin and certificate
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: Ashley Hardesty reviews her Certificate
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: Hardesty, Rasnick, Towell and Reames admire a young calf
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: Family, friends and dairy industry personnel pose in front of a new barn
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: Hardesty family with Towell and Adams
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: Commissioner Adams admires a calf; the feeling is mutual
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: A calf will suckle almost anything, including a stranger's hand
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: The Hardestys are proud members of MD and VA Milk Producers Coop
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: Dairy farmer Mike Stiles and State Veterinarian Richard Wilkes debate Holsteins vs. Jerseys
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: Mike Stiles of Waverly Farms, Dr. Wilkes and Dr. Terry Sharrer, former Curator of Agriculture, Smithsonian
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services: VDACS staff Elaine Lidholm, SandyAdams, Dr. Wilkes and dairy inspector Sonja Yankey