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2020-09-09 Yellowstone Day Trip by V.C. Wald
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V.C. Wald
Bison bull
V.C. Wald
Bison cows
V.C. Wald
Under the bridge
V.C. Wald
View of the Lamar River
V.C. Wald
V.C. Wald
V.C. Wald
Quiet waters
V.C. Wald
Jumble at the outlet
V.C. Wald
An old burn across the lake
V.C. Wald
Trout Lake, with Mount Hornaday
V.C. Wald
Trout Lake, with Mount Hornaday
V.C. Wald
Trees in the lake
V.C. Wald
Still we stand!
V.C. Wald
Bug research
V.C. Wald
Bug research
V.C. Wald
The trail to trout: bull bison around the corner!
V.C. Wald
Coming around the other way
V.C. Wald
Trout Trail Troll
V.C. Wald
A big Doug
V.C. Wald
Two - of four - coyotes in the scree
V.C. Wald
Two - of four - coyotes in the scree
V.C. Wald
Coyote camo
V.C. Wald
Three - of four - coyotes in the scree
V.C. Wald
Three - of four - coyotes in the scree
V.C. Wald
Why they call it Phantom Lake
V.C. Wald
Moose bull
V.C. Wald
Moose stink-eye
V.C. Wald
A handsome dude
V.C. Wald
Junior moose - double click for details
V.C. Wald
Moose pals
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