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2019-05-11 Yellowstone Day Trip by V.C. Wald
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V.C. Wald
Pronghorn herd, Little America
V.C. Wald
Yellowstone classic
V.C. Wald
Momma black bear
V.C. Wald
Mother black bear
V.C. Wald
One year olds at Rainy Lake
V.C. Wald
Black bear cub
V.C. Wald
Black bear cubs
V.C. Wald
Black bear cubs
V.C. Wald
Can I, mom??
V.C. Wald
Up for a better look
V.C. Wald
Little coyote owns the road
V.C. Wald
Great horned owlet and adult
V.C. Wald
Adult (female?) great horned owl
V.C. Wald
Adult (female?) great horned owl, preening
V.C. Wald
Bonded harlequin duck pair, Yellowstone River
V.C. Wald
Showy harlequin drake, Yellowstone River
V.C. Wald
Breeding plumage, harlequin drake
V.C. Wald
Harlequin drake, in his element
V.C. Wald
Showy harlequin drake, Yellowstone River
V.C. Wald
Harlequin drake and hen, Yellowstone River
V.C. Wald
Palette Spring, Mammoth
V.C. Wald
Tower Creek above Tower Falls
V.C. Wald
Harlequin drakes and hens, LeHardy's Rapids
V.C. Wald
Harlequin hen happy in the rapids
V.C. Wald
Harlequin drake, LeHardy's Rapids, Yellowstone River
V.C. Wald
Little coyote owns the road