V.C. Wald: Palette Spring
V.C. Wald: Palette Spring
V.C. Wald: Minerva Terrace runoff
V.C. Wald: Dryad Spring
V.C. Wald: Dryad Spring
V.C. Wald: Dryad Spring
V.C. Wald: Mammoth runoff
V.C. Wald: Liberty Cap
V.C. Wald: Liberty Cap
V.C. Wald: Bunsen Peak from Mammoth Hot Springs
V.C. Wald: Elk bull # 24, dreaming of lusher times to come
V.C. Wald: Elk bull # 24
V.C. Wald: Elk bull # 24
V.C. Wald: Elk cow, Mammoth Hot Springs herd
V.C. Wald: Elk cow, Mammoth Hot Springs herd
V.C. Wald: Elk end-of-winter diet: prickly pear cactus
V.C. Wald: Elk end-of-winter diet: prickly pear cactus
V.C. Wald: The elk bull that ate the cactus
V.C. Wald: Wind-skiing tracks
V.C. Wald: Officers Row and the base of Mount Everts
V.C. Wald: Mammoth Hotel & Cabins and other signs of civilization
V.C. Wald: Bighorn ewes and juveniles
V.C. Wald: Bighorn ewes and juveniles
V.C. Wald: Northeast entrance station, Yellowstone
V.C. Wald: Pronghorn buck scrounging for food
V.C. Wald: Pronghorn doe with tracking collar
V.C. Wald: Elk cow along the Yellowsone River
V.C. Wald: I think we'll depart now...
V.C. Wald: Elk cows, or Push-Me-Pull-You?
V.C. Wald: Elk cow along the Yellowstone River