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2017-10-24 Yellowstone day trip by V.C. Wald
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V.C. Wald
Trumpeter swans at Swan Lake
V.C. Wald
Trumpeter swans at Swan Lake
V.C. Wald
Trumpeter swans at Swan Lake
V.C. Wald
Antler Peak across Swan Lake
V.C. Wald
Quadrant Mountain from Swan Lake Flat
V.C. Wald
Abiathar Peak from Sode Butte Cone
V.C. Wald
Do Not Feed Squirrels
V.C. Wald
Soda Butte Cone
V.C. Wald
Cliff swallow nests on Soda Butte cone
V.C. Wald
Soda Butte is NOT extinct
V.C. Wald
Abiathar (L) & Amphitheater (R) Mountains from Soda Butte cone's backside
V.C. Wald
Do Not Climb on Formation
V.C. Wald
Soda Butte Cone
V.C. Wald
American widgeons, Lamar Valley puddle
V.C. Wald
Soda Butte Creek
V.C. Wald
Soda Butte Creek
V.C. Wald
Soda Butte Creek
V.C. Wald
There's something satisfying about standing in the middle of the road
V.C. Wald
Collared bison cow
V.C. Wald
Bison herd, Slough Creek Road
V.C. Wald
Feeding adult bison cow
V.C. Wald
Fireman tends a prescribed burn, Northeast Entrance
V.C. Wald
Prescribed burn, Northeast Entrance Road
V.C. Wald
V.C. Wald
Juvenile pronghorn
V.C. Wald
Young pronghorns
V.C. Wald
Juvenile pronghorn
V.C. Wald
An unusual find
V.C. Wald
Gardiner Cemetery at Tinkers Hill
V.C. Wald
Gardiner Cemetery at Tinkers Hill
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