V.C. Wald: A big bear
V.C. Wald: A dip in the pond on a hot day
V.C. Wald: Peanut butter-face
V.C. Wald: Brutus loves peanut butter
V.C. Wald: Bella the Grizzly
V.C. Wald: Yummy rotten bison shoulder
V.C. Wald: Chillin' in the pond: I am a cute bear!
V.C. Wald: Beautiful Bella
V.C. Wald: Bella means "beautiful"
V.C. Wald: Jelly Bella
V.C. Wald: Bella's back
V.C. Wald: Brutus loves Ami
V.C. Wald: Brutus not impressed by his fans
V.C. Wald: Bear Team 2017
V.C. Wald: The Smile of the Grizzly
V.C. Wald: Bella
V.C. Wald: Bear attack simulator, courtesy of UDAP
V.C. Wald: Bear attack coming your way!!
V.C. Wald: Mark Matheny UDAP founder with photo
V.C. Wald: Ice chest bear test pass! Mad Cow Metal Works Brutus Box
V.C. Wald: Ice chest bear test fail #2
V.C. Wald: Ice chest bear test fail #1
V.C. Wald: Dreamy little camper trailer...
V.C. Wald: Bear-watching (Bella), Montana Grizzly Encounter
V.C. Wald: People-watching: what the bears see, Montana Grizzly Encounter