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Tetons & Yellowstone 2016-Oct by V.C. Wald
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V.C. Wald
Burn victims, Berry Creek Fire
V.C. Wald
Burn victims, Berry Creek Fire
V.C. Wald
Burn victims and survivors, Berry Creek Fire
V.C. Wald
Burn victims, Berry Creek Fire
V.C. Wald
Fire impact, Flagg Ranch
V.C. Wald
Smoldering somewhere...
V.C. Wald
Bison bison
V.C. Wald
Coyote in the frosty sage
V.C. Wald
Raven feasting on a songbird carcass
V.C. Wald
Business end of a porcupine
V.C. Wald
Grand Teton pronghorn buck
V.C. Wald
Grand Teton pronghorn buck
V.C. Wald
Skinny bison with snow
V.C. Wald
V.C. Wald
Giant antlers make handy back-scratchers
V.C. Wald
Bull elk bugling
V.C. Wald
Departure of the rival wanna-be
V.C. Wald
Growing elk calf, Grand Teton National Park
V.C. Wald
Ek and growing calves, Grand Teton National Park
V.C. Wald
Resting cow elk, Mammoth Hot Springs
V.C. Wald
Elk-watching people, people-watching elk
V.C. Wald
Elk bull and harem, frosty Tetons morning
V.C. Wald
Immature great gray owl
V.C. Wald
Immature great gray owl
V.C. Wald
Did you know owls yawn? Immature great gray owl.
V.C. Wald
Moose bull pretending he doesn't see the photographer
V.C. Wald
Moose cow watching her bull and a photographer, open-mouthed
V.C. Wald
Snow? What snow?
V.C. Wald
Fall, Cattleman's Bridge
V.C. Wald
Gull Point pond, on the shore of Yellowstone Lake
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