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Yellowstone & Tetons, 2006 by V.C. Wald
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V.C. Wald
Bison bull, relaxed
V.C. Wald
Lava Creek above Undine Falls, 2006
V.C. Wald
Cliff swallows collecting mud for their nests
V.C. Wald
Colter Bay and the Cathedral Group, Grand Teton NP
V.C. Wald
Coyote at Oxbow Bend
V.C. Wald
Coyote at Oxbow Bend
V.C. Wald
Cutthroat trout at LeHardy's Rapids (Yellowstone River) at spawning season
V.C. Wald
Red fox in late spring, wet from the dew
V.C. Wald
Looking at the Gallatins over the Madison River
V.C. Wald
Grizzly sow 299
V.C. Wald
Grizzly sow #399 and three COYs, Colter Bay, GTNP 2006
V.C. Wald
Harlequin drake heading up-rapids, Yellowstone River
V.C. Wald
Harlequin ducks at LeHardy's Rapids, Yellowstone River
V.C. Wald
Hayden after the rain
V.C. Wald
V.C. Wald
Morning at Oxbow Bend
V.C. Wald
White pelican over the rapids, Yellowstone River
V.C. Wald
Snowshoe hare, Canyon
V.C. Wald
Storm across Lamar Valley
V.C. Wald
Misty Teton morning moon
V.C. Wald
White tail doe
V.C. Wald
Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, MT
V.C. Wald
Got milk?
V.C. Wald
Still life along Pilgrim Creek Road, Grand Teton NP
V.C. Wald
White Grass Ranch, June 2006
V.C. Wald
Grizzly bear sow #399 and her first brood, three cubs-of-the-year, June 2006