VCPG History: 1957 1112 Founding Members List IMG_1206
VCPG History: 1957 1100 b Board of Directors-William WInterbourne
VCPG History: 1960 1129 Fundraiser - Walter Knecht IMG_1211
VCPG History: 1958 0623 a Louis Anderson, Connie Tviet, Walter Knecht IMG_1217
VCPG History: 1958 0704 County Stationers, Ventura
VCPG History: 19581120 November Program - Frank Noyes
VCPG History: 19581120 Frank Noyes Show
VCPG History: 19580705 Exhibit
VCPG History: 19581203 Show Knecht Garden
VCPG History: 1959 0501 May Ventura Festival Show 01
VCPG History: 19590514 May Ojai Festival Sale 03 b
VCPG History: 1959 0900 Board of Directors Article
VCPG History: 1959 0900 Board of Directors Elected
VCPG History: 1959 1017 Knecht Garden Sale 01 IMG_1255
VCPG History: 19591104 December Show 02 Helen Fowler
VCPG History: 1959 1107 Knecht Garden Sale 05 Display IMG_1261
VCPG History: 19591107 Knecht Garden Sale Show 04 Article
VCPG History: 19590203 Officers Election
VCPG History: 1960 0125 Board of Directors [L to R] Virginia Wilkinson, Frank Noyes, Louis Anderson, Walter Knecht
VCPG History: 1960 0317 March News Artile IMG_1293
VCPG History: 1960 1013 October Sale 02 IMG_1289
VCPG History: 19601015 October Sale 01 Postcard Flyer
VCPG History: 1960 1129 Fundraiser - Daisy Hassell, Walter Knecht IMG_1283
VCPG History: 1960 1129 Fundraiser - DHassell WKnecht IMG_1284
VCPG History: 1960 1129 Fundraiser Daisy Hassall & Walter Knecht 01 IMG_1285
VCPG History: Founder - Knecht, Walter
VCPG History: 1961 0512 Ojai Festival Sale
VCPG History: 1962 0430 Ojai Festival Sale 01
VCPG History: 1962 1026 October Sale - Jessica Prescott Walter Knecht c
VCPG History: 1963 1029 6th Knecht Garden Show