Greg James Wade: Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile. Album Cover, 178 photos.
Greg James Wade: Chilean Patagonia rivals Mexico for most thorns per square inch.
Greg James Wade: A map of the Torres del Paine hiking circuit. I walked 138.8 km in 37.5 hours over 5.5 days.
Greg James Wade: Entering the park by bus, first glimpse of the mountains
Greg James Wade: P3210014
Greg James Wade: Granite towers
Greg James Wade: P3210025
Greg James Wade: The hike begins
Greg James Wade: Landscape view
Greg James Wade: Trail to the granite towers
Greg James Wade: P3210042
Greg James Wade: P3210044
Greg James Wade: P3210045
Greg James Wade: P3210050
Greg James Wade: P3220111
Greg James Wade: Towers of Paine, gigantic granite monoliths shaped by glacial ice
Greg James Wade: The towers are estimated to be about 2500 (south), 2460 (central) and 2260 (north) meters high
Greg James Wade: Sunlight illuminates the peaks, Towers of Paine
Greg James Wade: P3220155
Greg James Wade: Lakeside giants
Greg James Wade: P3220159
Greg James Wade: I wait hours for sunlight to brighten all the peaks, the clouds refuse to participate
Greg James Wade: P3220173
Greg James Wade: P3220197
Greg James Wade: P3220198
Greg James Wade: P3220199
Greg James Wade: P3220200
Greg James Wade: Hiking to Camp Italiano
Greg James Wade: Andre and Joana of Portugal. Joana returns to Puerto Natales while Andre and I trek the circuit.
Greg James Wade: Hi ho, hi ho ...