Greg James Wade: Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Album cover, 341 photos.
Greg James Wade: Raja Ampat is my next destination.
Greg James Wade: A one page summary of my activities and homestays in Raja Ampat, in the province of Papua, eastern Indonesia.
Greg James Wade: Aerial views I
Greg James Wade: Aerial views II
Greg James Wade: Aerial views III
Greg James Wade: First homestay I visit is Kordiris, beach in front. I stay here for 7 days.
Greg James Wade: Islands and blue water in front of Kordiris homestay
Greg James Wade: Snorkeling around Kordiris resort
Greg James Wade: Dining table in the evening. Nightly cinema is by laptop, viewing photographs / video from diving and snorkeling.
Greg James Wade: Between dives, having a rest with a glass of tea. Kordiris homestay.
Greg James Wade: Frog fish
Greg James Wade: harlequin sweetlips (plechtorhinchus chaetodonoides)
Greg James Wade: Barramundi
Greg James Wade: Map puffer fish
Greg James Wade: Nudibranch
Greg James Wade: Oriental sweetlips under a table coral
Greg James Wade: Healthy reefs seen while diving
Greg James Wade: Scorpion fish
Greg James Wade: A look at Arborek island while on a boat trip to Pianemo
Greg James Wade: Snorkeling at Melissa's Garden en route to Pianemo islands
Greg James Wade: Strange creatures Sun Coral (tubastrea faulkneri)
Greg James Wade: Strange creatures II: sun coral (tubastrea faulkneri), with tentacles extended
Greg James Wade: The underside of a rock pinnacle, Melissa's Garden
Greg James Wade: Pianemo island beach
Greg James Wade: Watching black-tip sharks from the dock of Pianemo homestay
Greg James Wade: Watching black-tip sharks from the dock of Pianemo homestay
Greg James Wade: Watching black-tip sharks from the dock of Pianemo homestay
Greg James Wade: Black-tip cinema