tie78reu: Glasgow City Chambers
tie78reu: Circles & Dots
tie78reu: Girl Statue
tie78reu: Another View
tie78reu: Central Station: Glasgow
tie78reu: Glasgow Cathedral
tie78reu: Scotland light
tie78reu: Durham Train station
tie78reu: Toward the sea and the sun
tie78reu: Wemyss Bay Station
tie78reu: Strange beings: Glasgow
tie78reu: Alive in the Necropolis
tie78reu: looking up towards...
tie78reu: Glasgow city chambers
tie78reu: Glasgow city chambers ...more
tie78reu: Nice light in the Chambers
tie78reu: Glasgow passage
tie78reu: Waiting & arriving
tie78reu: A vast beast
tie78reu: Platform 12
tie78reu: Room with a view
tie78reu: Broomielaw-Tradeston bridge
tie78reu: Colorful turds
tie78reu: view from dinner
tie78reu: Me in the City Chambers