VC105: "Goodbye Harristown"
VC105: "Back to back, side by side"
VC105: "Freshly withdrawn"
VC105: "Turn my back on all of you"
VC105: "For the Doubting Thomas's"
VC105: "Played a 'blinder' kid well done"
VC105: "Seconds from withdrawal"
VC105: "In the shade"
VC105: "I'm about to follow the direction of that arrow"
VC105: "The Royal's have the last laugh"
VC105: "A step in the right direction?"
VC105: "Went to Meath to say farewell"
VC105: "The pole even said goodbye"
VC105: "Goodbye my regulars"
VC105: "Home Sweet Home"
VC105: "That tenner a week will not get you travelling on an RV again"
VC105: "Time to let go"
VC105: "Not even Santa could make this wish come true"
VC105: "The Carlton or the RV, it's a tough choice"
VC105: "Fish catches more than the woman"
VC105: "Moving to new a 'field' "
VC105: "Taking my last break here"
VC105: "Get a close up view before i go"
VC105: "Out with the old, in with the....well a 01"
VC105: "For the last time"
VC105: "Once upon a time"
VC105: "Quite a regular on this route in my day"
VC105: "Here we go"
VC105: "Last RV at the shops"
VC105: "Take a look at me now as i won't be here anymore"