vbvacruiser: camping and wildlife 2012 panasonic 029
vbvacruiser: camping and wildlife 2012 panasonic 030
vbvacruiser: House Finch
vbvacruiser: Great Blue Heron
vbvacruiser: At the nyjer seed feeder
vbvacruiser: Eating some sunflower seeds
vbvacruiser: Female American Goldfinch on a sunflower
vbvacruiser: Black Capped Chickadee
vbvacruiser: Drink That Nectar
vbvacruiser: Photobombed by a hummingbird
vbvacruiser: Stepping off of the road.
vbvacruiser: Landing great blue heron
vbvacruiser: Fishing great blue heron
vbvacruiser: White Ibis
vbvacruiser: Tundra Swans
vbvacruiser: Butt and beak
vbvacruiser: Cooper's Hawk
vbvacruiser: Juvenile Double Crested Cormorant
vbvacruiser: Great Blue Heron
vbvacruiser: Green Heron
vbvacruiser: Kingfisher in a cypress tree.
vbvacruiser: Green Heron
vbvacruiser: Tricolored Heron
vbvacruiser: Ring Billed Gull
vbvacruiser: Look into my eyes!
vbvacruiser: Happy New Year
vbvacruiser: Great egrets nesting and plumage
vbvacruiser: Balancing Act
vbvacruiser: Nest Building