Vaughan Weather: Afternoon Analysis
Vaughan Weather: Looking Across Lake Huron
Vaughan Weather: Shelf Feature
Vaughan Weather: Satellite Sfc Analysis
Vaughan Weather: Supercell Composite
Vaughan Weather: Mark Periscoping
Vaughan Weather: Shelf Getting Closer
Vaughan Weather: Wide Shot
Vaughan Weather: kdtx_20160708_2202_BR_0.5
Vaughan Weather: Moisture Fingers
Vaughan Weather: Getting Very Close
Vaughan Weather: kdtx_20160708_2238_BR_0.5
Vaughan Weather: 11mm Wide Shot
Vaughan Weather: Montana or Canada?
Vaughan Weather: Wider Structure Shot
Vaughan Weather: Panoramic Shot
Vaughan Weather: kdtx_20160708_2244_BR_0.5
Vaughan Weather: Mothership Like
Vaughan Weather: Into the Shelf
Vaughan Weather: Really Close Now
Vaughan Weather: Looking South
Vaughan Weather: GoPro Leaving
Vaughan Weather: Close Strike!
Vaughan Weather: What got hit?
Vaughan Weather: Blasting East
Vaughan Weather: Another Deadly Strike
Vaughan Weather: More Strikes
Vaughan Weather: Shelf Rolling Past
Vaughan Weather: Looking into the shelf