Vaughan Weather: Surface-Analysis-May-21st-2014
Vaughan Weather: Nebraska... the good life
Vaughan Weather: Welcome To Colorful Colorado
Vaughan Weather: KDNR May 21st 18Z 2014
Vaughan Weather: The Storm
Vaughan Weather: Wrapping Rain
Vaughan Weather: Wall Cloud Fingers
Vaughan Weather: Looking HP
Vaughan Weather: Further South
Vaughan Weather: Nice Rain Foot
Vaughan Weather: Structure Structure Structure...
Vaughan Weather: Wall Cloud Lower
Vaughan Weather: Wrapping Up
Vaughan Weather: More Dramatic
Vaughan Weather: Dow 7 At Work
Vaughan Weather: DOW & ME
Vaughan Weather: Repositioning East
Vaughan Weather: Storm Looking North
Vaughan Weather: Looking Linear
Vaughan Weather: Ramping Back Up
Vaughan Weather: Trying Again
Vaughan Weather: Screenshot (115)
Vaughan Weather: More Structure
Vaughan Weather: Even More Structure
Vaughan Weather: Attempted Redeveloped
Vaughan Weather: Last Photo
Vaughan Weather: Vacant Homestead
Vaughan Weather: Twisted Outbuilding
Vaughan Weather: Closer Look