Vaughanoblapski!: Setting out the foundations for the new double garafe
Vaughanoblapski!: The start of excavations...
Vaughanoblapski!: Foundation excavations for our new double garage
Vaughanoblapski!: Before...
Vaughanoblapski!: Anyone want some grass?!
Vaughanoblapski!: Progressing with the foundations
Vaughanoblapski!: Repairing a broken watermain
Vaughanoblapski!: Chaos in the front garden!
Vaughanoblapski!: No more palisade fence!
Vaughanoblapski!: Future staircase
Vaughanoblapski!: Water line and main electrical feed
Vaughanoblapski!: The rubble collects...
Vaughanoblapski!: Services crossing the be relocated later!
Vaughanoblapski!: New temporary home for my car while the new garage is being built.
Vaughanoblapski!: Sand arriving...
Vaughanoblapski!: Concrete arriving...
Vaughanoblapski!: Concrete going in!
Vaughanoblapski!: Bricks arriving...
Vaughanoblapski!: Vibrating the concrete
Vaughanoblapski!: Cement arrives - brickwork can start.
Vaughanoblapski!: Brickwork on the go
Vaughanoblapski!: Negotiating the plank...!
Vaughanoblapski!: Foundation brickwork progressing
Vaughanoblapski!: Ready for backfill...
Vaughanoblapski!: Concrete infill in the foundations in progress...
Vaughanoblapski!: Compaction in progress
Vaughanoblapski!: Compaction almost done
Vaughanoblapski!: Monday the surface bed goes in...
Vaughanoblapski!: Final levels and compacting
Vaughanoblapski!: Ready for soil poisoning, dpc and mesh...