Vaughanoblapski!: Big sky...just outside Harrismith
Vaughanoblapski!: Sunrise in the Free State
Vaughanoblapski!: Morning light...
Vaughanoblapski!: Getting ready for a morning of hunting...
Vaughanoblapski!: Target practice
Vaughanoblapski!: Puffadder basking in the sun
Vaughanoblapski!: A blesbok for the pot
Vaughanoblapski!: Andries as the reluctant observer
Vaughanoblapski!: Fickie with her Blesbok
Vaughanoblapski!: Basjan with his Blesbok
Vaughanoblapski!: With Fickie and Basjan - hunting Blesbok near Harrismith
Vaughanoblapski!: Grassland and Sandstone Hills - the Free State
Vaughanoblapski!: Eagle Rock
Vaughanoblapski!: On the hunt...
Vaughanoblapski!: Gutting the carcass
Vaughanoblapski!: Skinned and ready to be hung at the butchery
Vaughanoblapski!: Andries enjoying some wine at the end of the day...
Vaughanoblapski!: A cold night warmed by wine, a fire and great friendship...
Vaughanoblapski!: Sunrise from our bedroom
Vaughanoblapski!: Winter morning sunrise
Vaughanoblapski!: Early morning flight from Durban
Vaughanoblapski!: View down to our timber cabin
Vaughanoblapski!: Red bush in the dry grass
Vaughanoblapski!: Cabbage tree on the slope
Vaughanoblapski!: Looking up towards the top....
Vaughanoblapski!: Hill and Dale
Vaughanoblapski!: Moutain slope
Vaughanoblapski!: Grassy Farmland
Vaughanoblapski!: Back to the cabin for breakfast
Vaughanoblapski!: shadows and lines