Vaughanoblapski!: Ouch! A pot hole on the R511 wins round one!
Vaughanoblapski!: So where are we headed...Anderkant of Soontoe?
Vaughanoblapski!: Lunch at Beestekraal Stasie Restaurant...on our way to Oppikoppi.
Vaughanoblapski!: And the burgers were good too!
Vaughanoblapski!: Op pad na Oppikoppi toe
Vaughanoblapski!: Our home for the next two nights...
Vaughanoblapski!: The Satanic Dagga Orgy
Vaughanoblapski!: The Traveling Wasgoed Stage...drove by...
Vaughanoblapski!: Howie Combrink at the Top Bar
Vaughanoblapski!: Howie Combrink
Vaughanoblapski!: Oppikoppi 2016
Vaughanoblapski!: Top Bar Rules
Vaughanoblapski!: Oppikoppi 2016
Vaughanoblapski!: The 5pm Poetry Session at the Top Bar - Opikoppi
Vaughanoblapski!: Martina Klopper
Vaughanoblapski!: Umlungu - Erns Grundling - reading his poem Mzansi
Vaughanoblapski!: Churchil Naude
Vaughanoblapski!: Michael Canfield
Vaughanoblapski!: Lanterns on the road to the Top Bar - Oppikoppi 2016
Vaughanoblapski!: Dusk at the James Philips Main Stage
Vaughanoblapski!: Kobus se Gat Traditional Veld Restaurant
Vaughanoblapski!: Street food alley
Vaughanoblapski!: South Africa Limpopo Province
Vaughanoblapski!: Warwick Rautenbach from the Hellcats
Vaughanoblapski!: Listening to Wonderboom at the Skellum Stage
Vaughanoblapski!: Newtown Knife Gang
Vaughanoblapski!: The Red Bull Stage
Vaughanoblapski!: Ben Dey and the Concrete Lions