Vaughanoblapski!: Andries driving
Vaughanoblapski!: On the road past Koster in the North West, heading to Gaborone
Vaughanoblapski!: Lunch at Swartruggens Wimpy
Vaughanoblapski!: On top of Kgale Hill
Vaughanoblapski!: View over the quarry next to Kgale Hill
Vaughanoblapski!: View across to Gaborone Dam
Vaughanoblapski!: Andries on Kgale with the city sprawl of Gaborone behind him.
Vaughanoblapski!: Andries resting his injured foot
Vaughanoblapski!: Sarah's chameleon sculpture
Vaughanoblapski!: New Year's Eve at Roy and Al's place
Vaughanoblapski!: New Year's Day cruise on a barge on Notwane Dam
Vaughanoblapski!: Crocodile lurking near the reeds!
Vaughanoblapski!: Another tough day in Africa
Vaughanoblapski!: Up the creek!
Vaughanoblapski!: Chilling on the boat.
Vaughanoblapski!: Water and Space
Vaughanoblapski!: African bushveld reflections
Vaughanoblapski!: Looking over the Dam wall towards the upper reaches of the Gaborone Dam
Vaughanoblapski!: Sunset on the Dam