Vaughanoblapski!: Goodbye Reitz!
Vaughanoblapski!: A tough day lay ahead...
Vaughanoblapski!: Another 'little' downhill, follow by yet another...uphill!
Vaughanoblapski!: Water logged potato fields...
Vaughanoblapski!: Washed away roads...
Vaughanoblapski!: At last...a shop, and an ice cold coke!
Vaughanoblapski!: Entering the eastern Free State - it starts to get hillier...!
Vaughanoblapski!: Man imposing order to the wilderness!
Vaughanoblapski!: Sandstone hills in the distance...
Vaughanoblapski!: Up into the hills!
Vaughanoblapski!: The road becomes a track!
Vaughanoblapski!: One of a few flooded stream crossings...
Vaughanoblapski!: Lunch at Last!
Vaughanoblapski!: And the road just got worse!
Vaughanoblapski!: Mountainbiking to be sure!
Vaughanoblapski!: A 'Bar-One' chocolate rest!
Vaughanoblapski!: Clarens at last!
Vaughanoblapski!: It was an excellent T-Bone steak for supper that night!