Vaughanoblapski!: In the morning...
Vaughanoblapski!: Sunset at Andries' pad!
Vaughanoblapski!: {day 224} with Andries at the Botantical Gardens
Vaughanoblapski!: Okay - that's enough now!
Vaughanoblapski!: Suntanning
Vaughanoblapski!: Sundowners - again! - with Andries!
Vaughanoblapski!: Andries in his rugby jersey
Vaughanoblapski!: Monument for the Sand River Convention
Vaughanoblapski!: Andries at the Labyrinth
Vaughanoblapski!: there's a man in the bath tub!
Vaughanoblapski!: Whale Blubber Cauldron and Andries with the classic Cannon pose!
Vaughanoblapski!: And this is Andries!
Vaughanoblapski!: Andries and his video camera
Vaughanoblapski!: Me taking a pic of Andries - yet again!
Vaughanoblapski!: My lover, companion and friend.
Vaughanoblapski!: Converging bridges
Vaughanoblapski!: After a cold winter night out...
Vaughanoblapski!: Andries and purple flowers
Vaughanoblapski!: Andries and Bianca
Vaughanoblapski!: Me testing Andries phone on him at the Mall!
Vaughanoblapski!: man in a gown!
Vaughanoblapski!: the reluctant model!